Nurses: The hidden victims of abuse

Dr. Sandra Risoldi
2 min readFeb 24, 2022

Nurses are the backbone of the healthcare system. They provide care to patients, day in and day out, often putting their own safety at risk. Nurses are also more likely to be the victims of abuse than any other profession. Studies have shown that nurses are two times more likely to be abused at work than employees in any other profession. Yet, little attention is paid to this issue. Abuse against nurses can take many forms, from verbal abuse to physical abuse, including sexual abuse.

The only way to prevent abuse is through education and vigilance: nurses need to know how to identify abuse, and healthcare facilities need to have policies and procedures in place to protect nurses from abuse.

Abuse of nurses is a hidden problem that often goes unnoticed. The victims are typically women who are passionate about their work and dedication to caring for others. However, they often find themselves in a position where they are vulnerable to abuse from patients, families, and co-workers. Nurses need to be aware of the signs of abuse and know how to protect themselves. Healthcare facilities also need to have policies and procedures in place to protect their nurses from abuse.

What are the signs of abuse and know how to protect yourself?

Nurses are one of the most highly trusted professionals in the country. They are the ones who are typically responsible for taking care of and monitoring patients, many of whom are unable to take care of themselves. It is therefore especially alarming when nurses become the victims of abuse. Unfortunately, this is a reality that many nurses face. Nurses are often targeted by their patients, families, and co-workers because they are seen as easy targets.

When people think of victims of abuse, they often think of battered spouses or children. However, nurses are also frequent victims of abuse. Nurses are often targeted by patients or their families because of the power dynamics in the hospital setting and the trust that is placed in them by patients and their families. Nurses are also more likely to suffer in silence because of the stigma attached to being a victim of abuse. This silence can allow the abuse to continue unchecked.

Nurses Against Violence Unite is here to Help

In conclusion, nurses across the globe have decided to take a stand against violence. By uniting together, they can provide support for one another and raise awareness about the issue. They hope to create a safe and violence-free environment for both nurses and patients alike. If you would like to learn more or get involved, please visit



Dr. Sandra Risoldi

Founder/President of Nurses Against Violence Unite, Inc. ~ NonProfit geared to bring Awareness, Educate, Empower & Eliminate Violence in Healthcare. Est. 2017